Monday, 3 August 2020


 Intimacy is the glue that strengthens family bonds. Its what connects us over the years and across the miles. It's what gets us through the hard times. It's the grease that smooths the rough interactions of everyday life and the honey that makes it all worth it. In happy relationships between parents and children, bids are made and responded to warmly. It doesn't matter what the bid is all about, the process or reaching out and receiving response builds the relationship. This will in turn increase the level of trust so as to reach to the child again and the content of the bid deepens. The following are the secrets for the closer bond with our children. 
📍 Whenever possible, respond to the need of your child.
📍 Train yourself to respond with empathy, no matter what the comment is.
📍 Do not start with correction, always connect before you correct or connect.
📍 Try not to respond with anger when you fell you are being hurt by your child, instead acknowledge your vulnerability and hurt.
📍 Create a you and me time.

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