This is prioritizing your relationship with your child because that's the foundation for emotional well-begin. This aspect of parenting is based on love instead of fear. Most of us grew up with authoritarian parenting which is based on child's fear of losing the parent's love and permissive parenting based on parent's fear of losing the child's love.
To build a strong connection with your child, it starts early with responding with the infant's need. Try to create bonding with the child so that you can develop a secured attachment with them. Attachment parenting is the attention which we parents give to our children which in turn gives them a secured attachment. Connecting parenting helps parents create a close lifetime connection with their kids. It is the relationship you have with your child that makes you a better parent not a set of skills. You're a fine parent the way you are if you are in touch with your natural parenting instincts. Still so many parents find so much challenge in parenting. No amount of" parenting skills " can make up for a close parent-child relationship. A close bond not only want to make our kids want to please us, it gives us access to our natural parent know-how.
Every parent has a relationship with his or her child. The question is: what kind of relationship? Good or Bad? Prioritizing the connection with our kids means that we must put them first. We need to give them full attention by making every moment you stay with them worthwhile. Does this need to be the mother alone? Parenting should be for both the Dad and Mum because each of them have different ways of relating with the child.
A good parent-child relationship gets you through the had times and create more frequent good times. It helps you to listen, learn from and meet the unique needs of your grown child. You can inflence your child positively, your child gets something even deeper like loving himself and others, have self confidence, integrity and self discipline. Connecting parenting keeps your family connected even as the pressure of daily life impinge on your time.
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