To be a great parent, to raise a happy, healthy and well behaved kid, you have to create a closer connection with your child. Telling your children you love them is not enough. We need to put our love into action everyday for them to feel it. This can be done by making the connection with our children our priorities, seeing things from our children's point of view and always remember that these children who sometimes drives us crazy is still the precious baby we welcomed into our arms with such hope. You can bear me witness that attending to a child energizes us and makes us feel more alive. So many people always have the regrets of not getting closer to people in their lives.
Your relationship with your child needs positive attention to work. Attention = love. What you attend to flourishes. That kind of attentiveness might take time but you can multitask and create a quality time with your child.
How can this be achieved?
- Try connecting with the child from the beginning.
- All relationships take work. You don't stop trying.
- Prioritize time with your child.
- Start your relationship with trust. Don't walk away from relating with the child even if you are frustrated.
- Encourage , encourage, encourage.
- Respect must be mutual.
- Think of relationships as a gradual increase of daily interactions.
- Try communicating with your child.
- Don't take it personally when he/she annoys you.
- Don't let little rifts build up.
- Re-connect after every separation.
- If you must discipline, do that with love.
- Be available.
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