Wednesday, 28 October 2020


 No two persons where born the same. Every child has his or her own destiny. Comparison is the theif of JOY. It makes one feel negatively about oneself most of the time.

The words cruise out of your mouths inadvertently. "Look at him/her, she is so much better than you" or "Why can't you be more like him/her?". Why do we compare our children with others? As much as we want to refrain from it, we end up doing it. Is it an inevitable human trait or can we resist the impulse if we try?

Well, "comparison" is counter-productive for anyone. But it is all the more debasing for children. Children are tender beings and they do not take too well to negative criticism. And if the criticism involves telling them how others are better than they are in some way, then it is all the more painful. This does not mean that we shouldn't point out their mistakes and help them improve, but anything beyond this is overkill.

Every child is different. In the present age, where competition has spread its tentacles in every walk of life, it is crucial to teach our kids to be grounded. And comparing them at each step will just not help. They should be taught to better themselves with each day, not to be better than their counterparts.

Reasons you should not compare your children with others:

🔶It will cause self-doubt.

🔶Jealousy will take root.

🔶It will breed negativity. 

🔶It will damage the parent-child relationship. 

🔶They will grow into jittery and nervous adults.

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