Tuesday, 20 October 2020


 Which way Nigeria 

Which way to go 

I love my father's land 

I want to know 

Let's save Nigeria 

So Nigeria won't die 

Words by Sonny okosun. 

I wonder how today will end, something that started with a peaceful demonstration turns bloody.



Most of us have stories to tell as regards to police brutality. I was taught that democracy is the government of the people, for the people and by the people. This implies that the country's decision is based on the decision of the people. Is this really viable in Nigeria?

 I woke up this morning prepared for work and on reaching my work place, we were told that we won't be working today due to the protest. I heard gunshots, people running Helter Skelter for their dear lives, you know the saying "you only live once" so much chaos. In fact someone got shot you can imagine that, people not having value for Life. How did we get here? I know for sure that one day, we will sing the songs of FREEDOM. I am certain that one day the wicked will give way. Yes even in the scriptures, when Athaliah felt she was untouchable and she did all manner of athrocites and impunity, she never knew that Joash was getting prepared for the throne. The day Joash became the king, it was like a dream. Joash became king at the age of seven and he ruled well. Remember the daughter of a king took care of him and groomed him, not even his parents. 

There are so many Joash's out there today. Every child needs opportunity to be loved, taking care of and nurtured. It is our responsibility as adults to help these children out. You might not have money to train them but your words of encouragement, advice, prayers, care matters a lot to them. Don't say they are not your children, help them in any way you can. Who knows, one of them could be a leader tomorrow. The good vibes you inculcate in them can make them better leaders of tomorrow.

God help us 

God save our children 

God save Nigeria.




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