Telling someone is the first step to take in solving this problem. Keep telling until something is done. Learning the facts is the first step to preventing child sexual abuse.
Do you know that:
1) 90% of child abuse cases are perpetuated by a family member or other trusted person.
2) 30% of perpetrators are family members of the Victim.
3) Any form of abuse during childhood becomes included in the brain. The memories become tyrannical, heightening the risk of high rates of depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, post-traumatic stress orsuicide.
4) According to studies compared to those with no history of sexual abuse, young males who were sexually abused were more likely to cause teen pregnancy and three times more likely to have multiple sexual partners.
5) One in four girls and one in ten boys will be sexually abused by age 15.
You can help out as an adult by listening and being attentive to your children and wards. Teach them to "man up" in other words speak up so that they can be helped. These children are our future so let's help them so that our future will be better.
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