Wednesday, 30 September 2020


Independence Day is an official national holiday in Nigeria, celebrated on the 1st of October every year. So going with Nigeria's calendar, today being the 1st of October is Independence Day. 

There is this song I had while growing up, sung by a child. It goes thus: 

I know a lot about my country 

I know a lot because I care 

I know a lot about my country 

I know a lot because I care 

Nigeria my beloved country 

Working together is so sweet 

Nigeria my beloved country 

Our future is you and me. 

These words made me picture what I will be in future back then. So the question is: How do we want the future of this country to be? The future lies in our children because they are the future leaders , please let's help them be responsible leaders of tomorrow. Also always pray for The Peace of our nation. One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE.

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