Friday, 31 July 2020


The determined child

They are the most noticeable. They are naturally more physical, active and stubborn. They are born with a drive to get things done in their own specific ways. They are usually told to calm down or stop being so demanding. They always want to try leadership positions in school, home or work. They can be loud, forceful or straight to the point ( also seen as bluntly honest). Their slogan "let's get results ".

The best way to connect with a determined child :
* Don't struggle to reign them in, try giving them a bit more freedom to discover themselves.
* Cheer them on in their goals.
* Encourage their confidence and passion. 
* Don't question but try to offer help. 


The fun-loving children 

 They are bubbly, bright and social. They are full of ideas and are playful. Their energy can be seen as a fault when they don't want to sit still or when the interrupt to share their ideas. They are very curious and love to touch and explore. They love to make noise, laugh and play. They are creative / imaginative and are eager to please others. We parents can connect to them in the following ways :
* Praise their good ideas and encourage them. 
* Have fun with them (get down on their level if needs be)
* Give them freedom to explore and text out their creativity and idea. Chinyere. 

Thursday, 30 July 2020



This involves acquiring the values, knowledge and skills that enables children to relate effectively and to contribute in positive ways to family, school and the community. This process starts shortly after birth and continues to adulthood. The crucial period for socialization is the age of early childhood. 

Socialization are in two phases: Firstly, relationship between parents and primary care giver. 
Secondly, between peer groups and fellow boys and girls. Once a child's social status is affected negatively, there will be difficulty in creating and maintaining satisfying relationships with others- a limitation many carry into adulthood. That child can change by engaging in socially constructive actions  (helping, caring and sharing with others) and developing a healthy sense of self. Chinyere

Tuesday, 28 July 2020



All children can be naughty, defiant and impulsive from time to time. Conflicts between parents and children are also inevitable as the latter struggle, from the “terrible twos” through adolescence, to assert their independence and develop their own identities. These behaviours are a normal part of the growing-up process. However, some children have extremely difficult and challenging behaviours that are outside the norm for their age. In fact, behavioural disorders are the most common reason that parents seek the help of child psychologists.

In some cases, these behavioural issues are temporary problems due largely to stressful situations, such as the birth of a siblings, divorce, or a death in the family. Other cases involve a pattern of sustained hostile, aggressive, or disruptive behaviours that are not appropriate for the child’s age. The most typical disruptive behaviour disorders include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These three behavioural disorders share some common symptoms, and can be further exacerbated by emotional problems and mood disorders. Child psychology involves looking at all possible roots to these behavioural issues, including brain disorders, genetics, diet, family dynamics and stress, and then treating them accordingly. Chinyere. 


Milestones:This is used to measure a child's progress in life. They act as checkpoints in the child's development, to know what the average child is able to do at a particular age. For instance: at 12 months, a child should be able to stand and support his or her weight, and some can even walk. If a child is 18 months of age and still can't walk, then there has to be a problem.We have : 
a) Physical milestone - Physical development. 
b) Cognitive or mental milestone : Reasoning, learning and solving problems.
c) Social and emotional milestone: expressing emotions and response to social interaction. 
d) Communication and language milestones : Verbal and non-verbal communication.


Development : This aspect is divided into 3.
1) Physical development : Physical body changes that occurs in a child. Gradual transformation from a baby to a child, adolescent and then adult.
2) Cognitive  (intellectual ) development : The process children use to gain knowledge which includes : language, thought, reasoning and imagination. 
3) Social-emotional : Social development here means how a child relates with people while the emotional development involves feelings and the expression of feelings. It includes trust, fear, confidence, pride, friendship and humour. The three categories above work hand in hand in the development of a child. 

Methods of child training Part 4

 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child,but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Proverbs 22 :15 This method is the disciplinary method which includes flogging,scolding,punishment etc.A parent should know the particular one to use for a child when necessary or if necessary. Most parents misuse this method in the name of correction.  Not everything a child does attracts punishment. 
 Children have their differences,some might be scared of cane,some don't like to be scolded while some cannot endure punishment. Make your choice based on the disciplinary method they don't like. Remember,  spare the rod and spoil the child. Chinyere.

Methods of child training: Part 3

 Have you ever gone out to buy groceries and you came back without buying anything for a child? How does that child feel? You can imagine the look on the child's face.
 If this method is used (not giving the child gift item)when he/she disobeys,you can imagine what will happen. The child will feel so bad on one hand but on the other hand will not repeat the bad behaviour. You are not trying to deprive the child of his/her right,but making the child see that bad behaviour does not pay. Bad behaviour will not attract reward. Chinyere.


When it comes to family life, everyone strives to figure out how the relationship between parents and children can become ideal. Positive parenting techniques work well for raising children with discipline and good moral values, and are every parents’ dream. However, it is not an easy feat. And it is important to know that the parent child relationship is a two-way street, in other words, it is actually a partnership between a parent and their child.

A garden with different flowers becomes beautiful when it blossoms. Similarly, if parents learn how to be a ‘gardener’ and are able to recognize their child’s personality and nourish it, then their ‘garden’ will become fragrant! This is what positive parenting is all about!

When parents develop effective parenting skills, they are able to take the initiative in filling the generation gap. When parents start to understand the balance of where to place boundaries, where to encourage, and where to discourage, then their children will not get spoiled. In this way they become good parents. When people do not know how to be a good parent, distance between the two develops.

Every young adult has the potential power to help the entire world. He just needs the right guidance and support.

With proper understanding, youth can also strengthen their relationship with their parents.

Methods of child training Part 2

  Most children hate the words"I won't play with you again, You won't be my friend again". This method can go a long way for those in ages 3-5 years. When the child does something bad, you use these words. 
  I have a 3 years old boy and whenever he does something bad , I use the words on him. The next minute he apologizes "Mummy I won't do it again. Are you my friend?"You all know what the reply will be.Every child wants to be Daddy or Mummy's friend. The child knows if i do something bad , Daddy and Mummy will not be my friend.This method serves like a check mate. Win that child at a tender age.  Chinyere.

Methods of child training part 1

In child training,there are different methods we use.The method working for me might not be the one working for you. You need to know the one that works perfectly well and use it.
 In parenting, we need to be firm on our decisions. For instance, you give your child an instruction not to go out to play.He/she keeps begging for your permission, you letting him/her go means you are not firm in your decision.Your child might think you are not being fair to him/her.Next time when you give instructions, your child will learn to obey it because he/she knows you will say no.Being firm does not mean you are being strict or rigid.Put your feet down when necessary. Chinyere 

Child Training

There is this popular poem titled" My Mother". Who sat and watched my infant head, when sleeping on my cradle bed, and tears of sweet affection shed?  My Mother. Every child needs someone to look up to. Chinyere.

Training a chid

Child Training is not a job left for one person to do. It is a joint effort from positive minds.( People that will affect the child positively). Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he/she is old, he/she will not depart from it. Your life style is enough instrument in child training. Your child's future is in your hand. Chinyere.